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Vim compile file with c++0x

I have recently been using Vim as my C++ IDE with the wonderful c.vim plugin . However I have been stymied by implementing C++11 code. I initially thought the answer posted to this nearly identical question here would help. But as I have tried to reset the compiler global variable in my vimrc:

let g:C_CplusCompiler="g++ -std:c++0x"


let g:C_CplusCompiler="g++ -std=c++0x"

I keep getting the following error for both scenarios:

E518: Unkown option: -std:c++0x

This compilation does work find, however, if I simply do it in the command line with:

g++ -std=c++0x test.cpp -o test

Am I somehow missing something in the documentation to have vim compile with std-c++0x ?

Without any plugin

If your make is gnu-make (and not mingw's one) you just need to set

:let $CXXFLAGS='-std=c++0x -Wall +whatever-other-options'

and then compile you mono file project with

:make %<

In the shell

If this doesn't work, make sure your compiler support this option. In the shell, try:

CXXFLAGS=-std=c++0x make test

or if your really want to compile by hand:

g++ -std=c++0x -o test test.cpp

With another plugin

With BuildToolsWrappers , for mono-file projects still, you'll need to set $CXXFLAGS, and then type either :Make , or <F7> to compile the current mono-file project. And you can run it with <CTRL-F5> . (Both keybindings can be configured).

NB: BTW plugin also support multi-files projects. Then you'll have to have a Makefile, or equivalent, where the $CXXFLAGS will be set.

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