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How to automatically expand all nodes of a PreferenceManager

To manage preferences of my swt/jface application, I'm using org.eclipse.jface.preference

I have 3 nodes in the preference window:

    //Creation of the nodes
    PreferenceNode one = new PreferenceNode("one", new PreferencePage1());
    PreferenceNode two = new PreferenceNode("two", new PreferencePage2());
    PreferenceNode three = new PreferenceNode("three", new PreferencePage3());

    //Creation of the manager
    PreferenceManager mgr = new PreferenceManager();

    //Show the preference dialog
    PreferenceDialog myPreferenceDialog = new PreferenceDialog(null, mgr);

The node three is a subnode of the node two .

How can I expand the node two in the tree of the PreferenceNode ?

If you create a subclass of PreferenceDialog you can override the createTreeViewer method and set the auto expand level:

protected TreeViewer createTreeViewer(final Composite parent)
  TreeViewer viewer = super.createTreeViewer(parent);


  return viewer;

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