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State Design Pattern: Error Handling

I was just playing around with the "state design pattern" and had a couple of questions on how exactly errors are handled in a state machine. Let us take the case below

class state_machine
   state state1;
   state state2;



class state
       state_machine*  m_state_machine;    /** Will pass the pointer to states **/
     void perform_state1_action();
     void perform_state2_action();

class state1: public state
     void perform_state1_action()

     void perform_state2_action();   // Have nothing to do for this function


class state2: public state
     void perform_state2_action()

     void perform_state1_action();   // Have nothing to do for this function


My question is how do I gracefully handle the case where we call perform_state2_action when its in state1. Do I write a base function implementation with nothing or maybe error logging functionality?

This design pattern requires you to provide public methods that are available for every state. If you come across a situation that you feel an urge to add an action that is valid only for one of them, it could mean one of the following:

  • You should make it private and call it from more general, public method(s), which can be implemented for all of your states
  • This method should be moved outside of the state machine because it is not related to the state
  • This is a specific case where empty implementation is a correct behaviour (so no error log needed)
  • You have chosen wrong design pattern

I decided to use the state design pattern with minor changes:

Use a generic name for a function like "do_task" and use this to call the needed private functions.

This provided the benefits of the state design pattern at the same time preventing creation of surplus absolute virtual functions

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