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Is this the correct method of using dot product to find the angle between two vectors? C++ SFML

So in another question I was told that you could use a simplified formula of the dot product to find the angle between two vectors:

angle = atan2(mouseY, mouseX) - atan2(yPos, xPos); //xPos, yPos is position of player

Except, from what I understood it simply takes points as vectors. Which is why the mouse and player position is plugged in the parameters. However when I move the mouse around the player in a 360 degree radius, the angle and therefore rotation of the player is a value from around -0.3... to -1.4... Is this not the correct method? Am I supposed to be representing vectors not as X, Y positions but as something else?

There's also another formula I found which also doesn't seem to work for me:

angle = atan2(mouseY - yPos, mouseX - xPos);

The first method is correct, the second is wrong. The function atan2(x,y) computes the angle in radians of a vector pointing from (0,0) to (x,y) with respect to the x-axis. It is thus correct to calculate two angles (in radians) the vectors have wih respect to the x-axis and then subtract these from each other to obtain the angles between the two vectors.

The result of the function atan2 is a value in the half-open interval (-pi,pi] . Expressed in degrees, this corresponds to (-180°,180°) . 0° thereby denotes a vector pointing right (along the x-axis), 90° a vector pointing up, 180° a vector pointing left and -90° a vector pointing down.

You can transform the result in radians to angles via the formula


So, if you want to transform your resulting values into angles, just multiply them by 180/pi .

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