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How do I check is uptime value on datasource with C#

I have csv file like this:

spy,20141118 11:58:41,11:58:41 up 76 days  20:43 ,0.00  0.00  0.00,100%,100%,NO
uk,20141118 11:58:51,11:58:41 up 0 min,0.06 0.02 0.00,99%,98%,YES
  1. Hostname, 2. date, 3. uptime, 4. load average, etc...

I need to check uptime value is day or less than 1 day. If uptime is less than 1 day, do something, else(1 day or more) do something. How do I check this?

I can check first value like this(on gridview):

DataRowView drv = e.Row.DataItem as DataRowView;
if (drv["Hostname"].ToString().Equals("spy"))

But I can't do this for uptime.

Assuming there will only be a mention of days when the uptime is one day or larger:

if (drv["uptime"].ToString().Contains("day"))
    // up for one day or more
    // not up for a day yet

Not sure how you were getting your csv data so you can ignore or change the first line, but this is how you would convert it from a string to a date value and then compare it to the current time and date.

string data = "spy,20141123 10:58:41,11:58:41 up 76 days  20:43 ,0.00  0.00  0.00,100%,100%,NO";            
DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(data.Split(',')[1].Insert(6, "-").Insert(4, "-"));

if (date.AddDays(1) < DateTime.Now)
    MessageBox.Show("up time more than 1 day");
     MessageBox.Show("up time less than 1 day");

This compares it to the second. So if the computer has been up for 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds it will still be less than one day.


I've just realised that you're probably not looking at that date and time value, but rather the day value.

string data = "spy,20141123 12:02:41,11:58:41 up 2 days  20:43 ,0.00  0.00  0.00,100%,100%,NO";            
int day = int.Parse(data.Split(',')[2].Split(' ')[2]);     

if (day > 1)
    MessageBox.Show("up time more than 1 day");
else if (day == 1)
    MessageBox.Show("up time is 1 day");
    MessageBox.Show("up time less than 1 day");

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