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How to detect if a View is fully rendered?

I have a couple of GWT widgets which are displayed in a view.

The view contains content like this:

FlowPanel mainPanel = new FlowPanel();
Label label = new Label("test");
FlowPanel otherPanel = new FlowPanel();

The mainPanel gets its final height after the view has been fully rendered. I need to get the value of height from the mainPanel after the render process is completed.

Here is what I do so far:

    new Timer() {

        public void run() {
            int height = $(mainPanel).height();
            // do something with the mainPanel height

Noite: $(mainPanel) is the use of GWTQuery . I set a timer to hope that the view render process is completed when the timer fires. I suppose this is not a very clever solution.

How can I detect if the view is fully rendered in order to get the final height of the mainPanel?


I also tried to use:

protected void onReveal() {
    Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {

        public void execute() {
            // get mainPanel height is incorrect

but it seems that the rendering was not completed so the mainPanel did not have the correct height.


It seems that the Scheduler works different on mobile and desktop when using SDM. I created a demo project ( https://github.com/confile/GWT-2.7-Scheduler-Test ) to show the problem.

I created another question for this issue here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27128787/gwt-2-7-scheduler-works-different-on-mobile-and-desktop-in-sdm

You should use a Scheduler, not Timer. See GWT: Timer and Scheduler Classes , which explains the distinction.


Also, what is $(mainPanel) ? You should do:

 int height = mainPanel.getOffsetHeight();

Gwt itself gives you a hook to do it. It is onLoad() . You can override it.

Example. If you want to know when widgets of a FlowPanel are rendered, you can use

FlowPanel flowPanel = new FlowPanel(){
                      protected void onLoad()
                        //Do your stuff here

This was posted in How to detect if a page has fully rendered using jQuery?

$(window).load(function() {
    //everything is loaded

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