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How to search for question mark and / with regular expression ? python

I want to search a file for a number that match this pattern:

<a  href="test/?n=451484"   >

then get the number 451484 :

I use this pattern :


but that doesn't work ?

3 changes

  • escape the ?

  • wrap the d+ in paranthesis

  • drop paranthesis around test\\?n=

Example usage

>>> import re
>>> str='<a  href="test/?n=451484"   >'
>>> re.findall(r'test/\?n=(\d+)', str)

To search for a literal ? character, you need to escape it with a \\ . ? is a special character in regexes, and cannot (usually) be used on its own.

pattern = r"test/\?n=(\d+)"

Alternatively, you can use specialized tools:

  • an HTML Parser to parse the HTML data (for example, BeautifulSoup )
  • urlparse to extract the url parameter value


import re
from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

data = """
    <a href="test/?n=451484">link</a>

soup = BeautifulSoup(data)

# filtering links with a specific "href" attribute value    
link = soup.find('a', href=re.compile(r'test/\?n=\d+'))

url = link['href']
query = urlparse(url).query
print parse_qs(query)['n'][0]  # prints 451484

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