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Express + Jade: render an array of partials

I have partial button that looks like:

.button button.custom_button(type='button', value='', onclick=#{functionName}) #{functionName}

And I render partials with help of res.renderPartials function which comes from npm install express-partial .

And I want to render it on user request. So I have controller method like:

var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();

router.get('/buttons', function(req, res) {
    var funcs = ['func1();', 'func2();', 'func3()', .... ]; // where funcs.length > 15

        // PROBLEM #1: how to make this in a loop
        // PROBLEM #2: why do it returns only the func[28] rendering result
        'partials/button': {functionName: funcs[0]},
        'partials/button': {functionName: funcs[1]},
        'partials/button': {functionName: funcs[28]},

Question: how to render all button partials at once? Mean pass array to res.renderPartials and avoid encountering each button separated by comma.

PS I supposed that's possible because in Jade template we can do this:

- each video in videos
   !=partial('partials/video', {title:video.title, artist:video.artist})

Example is taken from here

I though in my case we can use embedded partials, like


- each func in #{functions}
   !=partial('partials/button', {functionName:func})


.button button.custom_button(type='button', value='', onclick=#{functionName}) #{functionName}


var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();

router.get('/buttons', function(req, res) {
        'partials/buttons': {functions: ['func1();', 'func2();', 'func3()', .... ]}

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