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Python code to R

I need to replicate following Python code in R:

payloadObject = {
payload_json = json.dumps(payloadObject)
payload = base64.b64encode(bytes(payload_json, "utf-8"))

and so far I have


payloadObject <- list(request = "/v1/balances", nonce = "1417217972400792", options = {})
payload_json <- toJSON(payloadObject)

Can you help with the last line payload = base64.b64encode(bytes(payload_json, "utf-8"))?

RCurl has base64 that you can use for the last part. I also used jsonlite vs RJSONIO (latter is a more modern fork):


payloadObject <- list(request = "/v1/balances", 
                      nonce = "1417217972400792", 
                      options = {})
payload_json <- toJSON(payloadObject)
payload <- base64(payload_json)

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