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Compare date in MySQL database from a Perl script

I've a Perl script with a MySQL query as below

my $date         = strftime "%Y-%m-%d", localtime;

my $db_passwdcol = "password";
my $db_table     = "users";
my $db_usercol   = "username";
my $db_cond      = "expire_date";

my $sql_query    = "SELECT $db_passwdcol FROM $db_table WHERE $db_usercol = ?" . ($db_cond gt $date ? ");

What I want to do is compare current with the expired date ones using an SQL query. I've tried many variations but hopeless.

Thanks in advance,

To change sql query string as below that worked for me;

 $sql_query = "SELECT $db_passwdcol FROM $db_table WHERE $db_usercol = ? AND $db_cond > NOW()";


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