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Android Convert Json into ArrayList Multilevel Expandable Listview

I'm new in Android Programming. I have a class with data from json on Multilevel ExpandableListview. I want to show the DivisionName value into first row(parent) of list, SubDivisionName value into second row(child) and all of Vehicle values into third row(grandchild). So, this is the json data

    "DivisionID": "2c0e9dc1-a6a7",
    "DivisionName": "Tyuio",
    "SubDivision": [
            "SubDivisionID": "70c3ac53-eec6",
            "SubDivisionName": "FM2222",
            "Vehicle": [
                    "Nopol": "00571564",
                    "LastUpdate": "Oct 10 2010 10:10AM",
                    "LastSpeed": 0,
                    "LastLon": 106.82176
                    "Location": "KNOWHERE"
                    "Nopol": "352848020936627",
                    "LastUpdate": "Oct 10 2010 10:10AM",
                    "LastSpeed": 0,
                    "LastLon": 10124.228
                    "Location": "KNOWHERE2"

I'm try to populate it into ArrayList. I've been able to parse a json data. I want to through json to list. This is the Multilevel expandableListview code

private static final String DIV_NAME= "DivisionName";
private static final String SUBDIV_NAME = "SubDivisionName";
private static final String TAG_NOPOL = "Nopol";

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

// third row (subchild-list)
    ArrayList<ItemList> mItemListArray=new ArrayList<ItemList>();
    mItemListArray.add(new ItemList(TAG_NOPOL, TAG_LOCATION,TAG_LONG));

// second row (child-list)
    pSubItemArrayList=new ArrayList<SubCategory>();
    pSubItemArrayList.add(new SubCategory(SUBDIV_NAME, mItemListArray));    

// first row (parent-list)
    pProductArrayList=new ArrayList<Product>();
    pProductArrayList.add(new Product(DIV_NAME, pSubItemArrayList));

I want to show tyuio into first row of list(parent), FM222 into second row of list(child), and all of vehicle values into third row(grandchild). These JSON data is dynamic. Is there a way to convert json into this arrayList? i have seen many tutorials but those wasn't helpful for me. I appreciate any help. Thanks in advance

i refers to this and this

You will need to cast the response to a list.

I would recommend to do the following:

Create a response class:

public class DivisionResponse {

    public String divisionId;

    public String divisionName;

    public List< SubDivision> subdivision;

    public class Subdivision{

           public String SubDivisionId;

           public String SubDivisionName;

           public List<Vehicle> SubDivisionName;

           public class Vehicle{

                public String nopol;

                public String LastUpdate;

                public String LastSpeed;

                public String LastLon;

                public String Location;

Then you would use gson to cast the response to this class. When you receive that object or response convert it to text.

List<DivisionResponse> response = gson.fromJson(theonjecttext, new TypeToken<List<DivisionResponse>>() {}.getType());

that should create a list with all the data you need.

Make sure gson is added to the dependencies of gradle

compile 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.2.4'

This code is specific to your response provided.

The response class could be independent classes instead of inner classes. Its up to you.

    <!--  Gson: Java to Json conversion -->

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