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How to make a function which returns Type <T>

C# .net 4.0

I have created a function which converts ArrayList into List

List<MatchBowlDetails> lstBowling = ConvertArrayListToList(BowlingTeamScore).Cast<MatchBowlDetails>().ToList(); 

public static List<Object> ConvertArrayListToList(CollectionClass paramcollection)
        //Function use:
        //This function takes array List and return List<Type>

        return null;

As you can see here I have created a function which converts ArrayList into List<T>

Here BowlingTeamScore is a collection of MatchBowlDetails class and inherited from CollectionClass which make ArrayList type of collection.

Now here as this function is returning List<Object> type of object and I want to return List<T> type of T , where T is paramCollection.GetType();

So the new user code will be :

List<MatchBallDetails> lstBowling = ConvertArrayListToList<BowlingTeamScore); // here no need to type cast back..

Please suggest how to do this.

Do you mean something like this?

public static List<T> ConvertArrayListToList<T>(CollectionClass paramcollection)
    return paramcollection.Cast<T>().ToList(); 


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