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How do I make the method/s generic which returns different types, but accepts the same type of instance?

I have multiple methods which reads data from XML having the following format:

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
            <hiredate>October 15, 2016</hiredate>

To read the above data, I have the following methods with their respective classes.

  • Please note that I have my own implementation of " GetElementAsString " method. Bear with me for not providing the implementation of that.


    private static NameDetails GetsNameDetails(XNode content)
        var element = content.XPathSelectElement("document/employee/name");

        return new NameDetails
            FirstName = element.GetElementAsString("firstName"),
            LastName = element.GetElementAsString("lastName")

    private static ProfessionalDetails GetsProfessionalDetailsDetails(XNode content)
        var element = content.XPathSelectElement("document/employee/professionalDetails");

        return new ProfessionalDetails
            HireDate = element.GetElementAsString("hiredate"),
            Designation = element.GetElementAsString("designation")

    private static Projects GetsProjectDetails(XNode content)
        var element = content.XPathSelectElement("document/employee/projects/project");

        return new Projects
            Id = element.GetElementAsString("id"),
            Price = element.GetElementAsString("price"),
            Product = element.GetElementAsString("product")

internal class Projects
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Product { get; set; }
    public string Price { get; set; }

internal class ProfessionalDetails
    public DateTime HireDate { get; set; }
    public string Designation { get; set; }

internal class NameDetails
    public string FirstName  { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

The underlying logic is the same for both methods. The initializing type is the only thing that gets changed. The return value of the method and the properties/fields to be initialized change, but the parameter remains the same.

How do I have one single Generic method for the below methods and decide the type to be initialised at run-time?

You could write something like this:

private static T ThingFiller<T>(
    XNode context, 
    string elementStr,
    params Action<Func<string, string>, T>[] setters
    where T : new()
    var element = context.XPathSelectElement(elementStr);
    var t = new T();

    foreach (var setter in setters)
        setter(element.GetElementAsString, t);      

    return t;

private static NameDetails GetsNameDetails(XNode content)
    return ThingFiller<NameDetails>(content, "document/employee/name",
        (func, nd) => nd.FirstName = func("firstName"),
        (func, nd) => nd.LastName = func("lastName")

Alternatively, you could use an XML library and simply define how to fill the fields via attributes and mapping.

You could add a generic type and then depending on the type decide how you want to parse the node:

private static T GetsDetails<T>(XNode content)
    if(typeof(T) == typeof(ProjectDetails)){
        var element = content.XPathSelectElement("document/employee/projects/project");

        return (T)new Projects
            Id = element.GetElementAsString("id"),
            Price = element.GetElementAsString("price"),
            Product = element.GetElementAsString("product")
    else if(typeof(T) == typeof(ProfessionalDetails){ ... } 
    else if (...) {...}

I wouldn't recommend this approach though: you still have to do type-checking and you gain very little. The initial implementation you have is far simpler.

You could create an attribute which determines which XPath expression should be used. Example:

internal class Projects
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Product { get; set; }
    public string Price { get; set; }

and then you could use this via reflection (code is untested, no c# compiler available here):

private static T GetNode<T>(XNode content)
    : where T : new()
    var selector = typeof(T).GetCustomProperty<XPathSelector>();
    var element = content.XPathSelectElement(selector.XPathSelector);

    var ret = new T();

    foreach (var child in element.Elements) {
        var property = typeof(T).GetProperties().Single(p => p.Name.ToLower() == child.Name.ToLower());

        property.SetValue(ret, child.GetElementAsString(child.Name));

    return ret;

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