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how to decode the encoded array passed from php

I have problem in decoding the array passed from PHP. My PHP code is

$checkedJson = json_encode($dynamic_species);
$tmp = exec("/Python33/arr_pass.py $pressure $temp $checkedJson");
return $tmp;

If i print $checkedJson i get

{"species1":"CH4","species2":"C2H6"} as print statement

My python code is

species_list = sys.argv[3]
species_list_data = json.loads(species_list)

This python script returns empty string as output to php

I am working for first time on JSON can anyone please help me.

Thanks in advance

This is neither a JSON nor Python question. What you want is to figure out how to get output back when your PHP program runs something via exec() . Basically you're lacking the output parameter; RTM at php.net . You should try:

exec("/Python33/arr_pass.py $pressure $temp $checkedJson", $output);

After which $output will be an array of lines that your exec'd script sent to its output. In your code, $tmp is assigned to the last line that the exec'd thing prints, so probably an empty line.

Plus you have one more challenge; the way you pass $checkdJson to the Python script will fail. You will have to quote it to make it one commandline parameter, so you'll probably need

exec("/Python33/arr_pass.py $pressure $temp '$checkedJson'", $output);

(note the extra single quotes).

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