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Reverse Oracle dbms_xmlgen.getxmltype() - ie can I SQL query an xmltype rowset to get back table results?

Transforming myTableWithManyColsAndRows -> myTableWithOneXmlTypeColumn as follows:

  result   xmltype;
  result := dbms_xmlgen.getxmltype('select * from myTableWithManyColsAndRows')
  insert into table myTableWithOneXmlTypeColumn values result;

Can I do the reverse, transform: myTableWithOneXmlTypeColumn -> myTableWithManyColsAndRows ?

That is, can I somehow construct a SQL statement that would query myTableWithOneXmlTypeColumn and return the same results as 'select * from myTableWithManyColsAndRows'?

--Creating a sample table with four columns and inserting random data.
create table myTableWithManyColsAndRows(
  id_ number,
  col1 varchar2(10),
  col2 number,
  col3 date

insert into myTableWithManyColsAndRows
select level, dbms_random.string('l', round(dbms_random.value(5,10))), round(dbms_random.value(1,100)),
from dual
connect by level <= 7;

--Query to generate XML from the table.
select dbms_xmlgen.getxmltype('select * from myTableWithManyColsAndRows') from dual;

  <COL3>18-DEC-2013 00:00:00</COL3>
  <COL3>08-FEB-2012 00:00:00</COL3>
  <COL3>28-DEC-2014 00:00:00</COL3>
  <COL3>12-NOV-2012 00:00:00</COL3>
  <COL3>26-JAN-2012 00:00:00</COL3>
  <COL3>19-SEP-2014 00:00:00</COL3>
  <COL3>26-MAY-2013 00:00:00</COL3>

To get back the rows and columns from XML, you need to use XMLTable . tag has multiple tags. So, first step is to extract those and map to a XMLType( xmlrow). From this, the individual columns are extracted.

with myTableWithOneXmlTypeColumn(xmlcol) as (
    select dbms_xmlgen.getxmltype('select * from myTableWithManyColsAndRows') from dual
select cols.id_ id_, cols.col1 col1, cols.col2 col2, to_date(cols.col3,'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') col3
from myTableWithOneXmlTypeColumn x,
PASSING x.xmlcol
COLUMNS xmlrow xmltype PATH 'ROW'
)   xmlrows,
PASSING xmlrows.xmlrow
COLUMNS id_ number PATH 'ID_',
    col1 varchar2(10) PATH 'COL1',
    col2 number PATH 'COL2',
    col3 varchar2(20) PATH 'COL3'
)   cols;

       ID_ COL1             COL2 COL3
---------- ---------- ---------- --------------------------
         1 ajfwmcaet          79 18-DEC-2013 00:00:00
         2 wagvymnl           13 08-FEB-2012 00:00:00
         3 jvlrv              45 28-DEC-2014 00:00:00
         4 xirqutl            29 12-NOV-2012 00:00:00
         5 rtdtmselx          75 26-JAN-2012 00:00:00
         6 acvvw              70 19-SEP-2014 00:00:00
         7 kbcmhh             62 26-MAY-2013 00:00:00

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