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google map v3 service - find minimum distance while driving

<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[ 

            origin:"<?php echo $pickup; ?>",
            destination:"<?php echo  $destination; ?>",
            travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.DRIVING,
            unitSystem: google.maps.DirectionsUnitSystem.IMPERIAL
        callback: function(results){
          if (!results) return;
                zoom: 13
              //container: $(document.createElement("div")).addClass("googlemap").insertAfter($("#test")),
              options:{ directions:results }



So this the code, using gmap3 (gmap3.net)
So, problem is, it is showing the quickest way in minute.
If i want to go from A to B, may be it have 3 different route where 50 minutes 30 miles, 55 minutes 17 miles, 57 minutes 19 miles and it will first select 50 minutes/30miles route. But i need the route with minimum miles (55min/17miles).
is there any way i can do that?

results will contain an array with the 3 routes .

Find the desired route within this array(should be the 2nd in this case) and pass the index of the route via the routeIndex -property options (default is 0):

options:{ directions:results, routeIndex: 1 }

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