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create UML classes diagram

I have a project to make; I have a market and many products, each one has name, date of production, etc... I have made the classes for the project, but I need to make a diagram of the classes, but I don't know how. Also I want to insert customer data in a file like what they buy and the price and each customer can have many purchase cards to buy. Can any one help me?

 class product  implements Cloneable{
     String productName;
     String Description;
     int quantity; 
     product category;

     product(product p){}

     /** Returns a deep clone of this */
     public Object clone() {
         product p = new product();
         return p;


 class Beverage extends product{
     int capacity;

     public void setCapacity(int capacity) {
        this.capacity = capacity;

class  Condiment extends product {
    String country;

    public void setCountry(String country) {
        this.country = country;

class Dairyproduct extends product  {
    Date  productionDate;
    Date ExpirationDate;
    String  saleUnit;

    public void setProductionDate(Date productionDate) {
        this.productionDate = productionDate;

    public void setExpirationDate(Date ExpirationDate) {
        this.ExpirationDate = ExpirationDate;

    public void setSaleUnit(String saleUnit) {
        this.saleUnit = saleUnit;

class Customer{
    String Fname;
    String Lname;
    int Id;
    String Address;

    public void setFname(String Fname) {
        this.Fname = Fname;

    public void setLname(String Lname) {
        this.Lname = Lname;

    public void setId(int Id) {
        this.Id = Id;

    public void setAddress(String Address) {
        this.Address = Address;


 class PurchaseCard{
     Date PurchaseDate;
     LocalDateTime PurchaseTime;
     Map<product,Boolean> PurchasedProducts ;
     double TotalPrice;

If you already have the code and want to generate the class diagram based on that I suggest trying built-in plugins in IDE. IDEA for example can generate class diagram with the dependencies.

If you're thinking of creating schemas upfrom I highly recommend Visual Paradigm (they have 30 days trial period and you'll be able to do the customization you need).

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