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Writing to same log file with Pyramid and rq

I am using Pyramid and rq and I would like to log rq worker jobs in the same file as my Pyramid application.

My setup looks like this:


# regular pyramid setup here...

keys = root, main

keys = console, debuglog

keys = generic

level = DEBUG
handlers = console, debuglog

level = DEBUG
handlers =
qualname = main

class = handlers.RotatingFileHandler
args = ('%(here)s/__logs/pyramid_debug.log','a')
level = DEBUG
formatter = generic

format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s [%(name)s][%(threadName)s] %(message)s


from bunch import Bunch
from redis import Redis
from rq import Queue, Worker
from helpers.rqworker import run_worker
from helpers.log import write_log

write_log('info', 'APP STARTED.')
q = Queue(connection=Redis())
req_obj = Bunch()
req_obj.remote_addr = self.request.remote_addr
job = q.enqueue(run_worker, req_obj, {'some_other': 'data'})
write_log('info', 'APP ENDED.')


from helpers.log import write_log

def run_worker(req, data):
    write_log(req, 'debug', 'WORKER STARTED', separator=True)


import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def write_log(request, loglevel, message=None, **kwargs):
    msg = '[{0}] {1}'.format(request.remote_addr, message)
    level = logging.getLevelName(loglevel.upper())

    if 'separator' in kwargs:
        log.log(level, '='*40)

    if message:
        log.log(level, msg)

    if 'stack' in kwargs:
        log.log(level, '{0} EXCEPTION {0}'.format('*'*15))
        log.log(level, kwargs['stack'])
        log.log(level, '{0} EXCEPTION END {0}'.format('*'*13))

When I run my app, I cannot see logs from rqworker.py (probably because it is a separate thread) so I'm wondering how can I (and is it possible to) achieve writing to same log file?

This is probably not useful to the OP anymore, but the way I've been able to redirect the output of a rq Worker to a custom file is by getting the logger like this:

logger = logging.getLogger('rq.worker')

You can add a new FileHandler to this logger that outputs on your file, and change the formatting too:

h = logging.FileHandler("/path/to/logfile.log")
formatter = logging.Formatter(...)

I haven't been able to remove the colouring of the output, though, which causes the log, when opened in a text editor, to be slightly cluttered with ANSI color codes.

Note that this removes the logging to the console. You can probably keep that too by adding another handler.

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