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Node.js require caching

I am really stuck by nodejs cache system. I have this structure for my project :


queue_manager.js require processors.js

var processors = require("../apps/jobs_processor/processors.js");

app.js require also processor.js

var processors = require("./processors.js");

If I take into account the documentation, I must have the same path may be to obtain the same object, is that right ? If so, how can I achieve that (have the same path) ?



If found a solution to my problem. Here is the first version of queue_manager.js file

var _ = require("lodash");

var Utils = require("./utilities");
var Processors = require("../apps/jobs_processor/processors");
var Logger = require("./logger");

var QUEUES_CACHE = {};

exports.createJob = createJob;
exports.getCacheObject = getCacheObject;

function createJob(name, data) {
  var cacheId = name.replace(/ /g, "_");

  Logger.info("Cache ID: " + cacheId);

  if (!QUEUES_CACHE[ cacheId ]) {
    _.each(Processors, function (processor) {
      Logger.debug("PROCESSOR NAME: " + processor.name);
      Logger.debug("JOB NAME: " + name);

      if (processor.name === name)
        QUEUES_CACHE[ cacheId ] = processor;

    if (!QUEUES_CACHE[ cacheId ])
      throw new Error("Processor for job \"" + name + "\" not found.");


  return QUEUES_CACHE[ cacheId ].queue.add(data);

function getCacheObject() {
  return QUEUES_CACHE;

And now the last version of the same file

var _ = require("lodash");

var Utils = require("./utilities");
var Logger = require("./logger");

exports.createJob = createJob;

function createJob(name, data) {
  var Processors = require("../apps/jobs_processor/processors");
  var processor;

  _.each(Processors, function (element) {
    Logger.debug("Processor name: " + element.name);

    if (element.name === name)
      processor = element;

  return processor.queue.add(data);

Each time that i called createJob method, I require the processors module which is an array of each job processor that I have created.

Node.js will resolve the path before caching the module.
As long as your relative paths resolve to the same absolute path on disk, you're fine.

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