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Can't get started with Android Studio for Ubuntu ADB error

I keep getting this error when I start Android Studio (AS) (I am not running Eclipse). I am running Ubuntu; I did a fresh install of Ubuntu and AS and this happened upon start up:

ADB not responding. If you'd like to retry, then please manually kill "adb" and click 'Restart'

I have tried this solution: ADB Not Responding - Wait More or Kill adb or Restart (Ubuntu 13) 64-bit

and this: Adb not responding with android studio on Ubuntu as well as the duplicate link that follows.

I tried making an AVD and it doesn't want to run on there. I double checked that ADB is added to my PATH.

Is there more information I can provide? Any response with information or questions is helpful.

In a terminal, type ps -u (your username) , find the pid, and type kill -9 (pid) . If that doesn't work, use a higher number, such as kill -15 (pid) .

When this happens to me I usually do ps -ef to find out adb pid, and then kill -s 15 <adb_pid> . After that everything works fine.

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