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Structs inside of structs in C

typedef char tCadena[TCAD];
typedef struct{
    int i; 
    int f;
    tCadena cola[TCOL];
typedef struct{
    tCadena nombre[TCAD];
    int numfich;
    tCola cola;
typedef struct{
    tImpresora impresora;
    int ocupado;
typedef tElementoImpresora tablaImp[MAXIMP];

So I have these structs, and I have a variable called thing of type tablaImp I want to go inside the struct and set the i of the first structure to 0 . I tried with:

tablaImp thing;

But it tells me that its not a part of the structure. How can I do to go inside the first structure ? Thanks.

tablaImp is an array, you need to index it.

for (i = 0; i < MAXIMP; i++) {
    thing[i].impresora.cola.i = 0;

thing is an array (of structs), and you're trying to use it as if it were a struct:

typedef tElementoImpresora tablaImp[MAXIMP];
tablaImp thing;
/*   ↑ need an array index here */
typedef tElementoImpresora tablaImp[MAXIMP];
tablaImp thing;

thing is an array, you need to specify the array element:

thing[0].impresora.cola.i = 0

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