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PHP PDO Insert Longditude / latituded in Mysql and check if exists before insert

I am trying to insert geolocations correctly into my mysql db so that I may run a query to get all items within a set radius.

my db is set up like so: --id (integer pk) --latlon (point spatial index)

and my function which checks if the geolocation exists and if not inserts looks like this:

function addGeoLocation($long,$lat,$deal_id,$db)
    if($long != '' && $long > 0){

        $latlon = 'POINT('.$lat .' ' .$long.')';

        $locs = $db->row("SELECT id FROM geolocations WHERE latlon = :latlon",array("latlon"=>$latlon));
             $sql = $db->query("INSERT INTO geolocations set latlon = PointFromText(:latlon)",array("latlon"=>$latlon));
            $location_id = $db->lastInsertId();
            $location_id = $locs['id']; 

        $locs_pivot = $db->row("SELECT id FROM dailydeals_geolocations WHERE dailydeal_id = :deal_id AND geolocation_id = :location_id",array("deal_id"=>$deal_id,"location_id"=>$location_id));

            $sql = $db->query("INSERT INTO dailydeals_geolocations (geolocation_id,dailydeal_id) VALUES(:location_id,:deal_id)",array("location_id"=>$location_id,"deal_id"=>$deal_id));


No matter what I try I just cannot get it to insert the geo I just keep getting this error:

Unhandled Exception. <br />SQLSTATE[22003]: Numeric value out of range: 
1416 Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field

Any help would be greatly received

Many thanks in advance :)

This error of MySQL means that you are inserting a number value that is larger than the maximum allowed value for that column type.

I think you need to check again what you are doing at " PointFromText " or you can change your column type to be larger enough to hold the given value.

我的代码实际上可以解决这个问题,因为我在locations表中也有一个latlon字段,我用lat lon值手动填充了该字段,因为此字段在导入时为null会引发错误:o)

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