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Regex to get anything after last space in a string

I have a string that has a bunch of words in it and all I want is the last word. What would be the Regex for this?

For example:

This is some sample words to work with

I would just want with from the above string.

A far easier solution would be to do it with the Split method:

string text = "This is some sample text to work with";
string last = text.Split(' ').Last();

I think you are looking for :


demo here: https://regex101.com/r/hL9aR8/2

I would use LastIndexOf , should perform better.

string text = "This is some sample words to work with";
string last = text.Substring(text.LastIndexOf(' '));

Of course if there's a chance that the text won't have any whitespace, you would have to make sure you are not trying to substring from -1 index.

Altough a bit late for your need I guess, but this should work:

Replace "[a-zA-Z]+$" with "[\\S]+$" => will take all characters that are not spaces.

If you insist on using regex, then following will help you


Regex Demo


Match m = Regex.Matches("This is some sample words to work with", "[a-zA-Z]+$")[0];
=> with

Per original question (without the numbers at the end) to get "with":


Regex.Match("This is some sample words to work with", @"[^\W]+$").Value == "with"

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