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Executing stored procedures on SQL Azure database using REST API or Azure Management Libraries

Is there a way to create an execute stored procedures on SQL Azure database using REST API or Azure Management Libraries?

I checked Operations for Azure SQL Databases here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn505719.aspx and Management Libraries for .NET here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn602775(v=azure.11).aspx , and I don't see any options.

No, this is something you would need to do in your application. The REST API provides management capabilities at the infrastructure/platform level. Procedure execution would fall under application level IMHO. Management Library for .Net is simply a wrapper around these REST API.

I think your only option would be write your own API specific for your application/database that can execute the stored procedure in your database.

Since you are developing in Azure consider automatic REST API from SlashDB, which is available from their Marketplace.


It allows for defining an API end-point in Transact-SQL to call a stored procedure by way of an HTTP GET request to a URL with parameters. In addition to that, SlashDB reflects the entire database as URL-linked graph-like structure so a lot of queries need not even be written.

Disclosure: I am the founder and CEO of the company behind SlashDB, but you don't have to take my word it - just try it.

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