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Twitter Composer Callback OnSuccess/OnFailure Fabric

I am trying to detect whether the tweet was successful or not. How can this be achieved on Android using the Fabric (Twitter Composer) api?

new TweetComposer.Builder(activity)

What I want to do:

new TweetComposer.Builder(activity)
                                .onSuccess(new Success(....))
                                .onFailure(new Failure(...)

I could listen to the onActivityResult method in the Activity but I was hoping there would be a cleaner and better way.

Instead of using .show(); , create an intent like this :

new Intent i = new TweetComposer.Builder(activity)

Now you can start the activity for result :

startActivityForResult(i, TWEETER_REQ_CODE);

where TWEETER_REQ_CODE is just a numerical identifier. next onActivityResult wait for the TWEETER_REQ_CODE to show up.

Hope it helped, N.

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