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angular.forEach Resolving Nested Promises

I have to make sequential AJAX calls after retrieving a collection of data. I am having issues resolving the nested promises.

Basically, I need to extend each object returned in my first collection with a property of ActionItems and set it's value with a promise then resolve each promise in the collection.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


$http.get(urlBase + 'Project?$expand=Plant,CreatedBy,ModifiedBy,Plant/Contacts').then(function(success){
        var contents = {};
        contents = success.data.d.results;

        return contents;
        var contentPromises = [];
        angular.forEach(contents, function(content) {
                $http.get(urlBase + "ActionItems?$filter=ProjectId eq " + content.Id ).then(function(success){
                    content['ActionItems'] = success.data.d.results;                         
        return $q.all(contentPromises).then(function() {
            return contents;

Current Output is undefined

Well turns out this method works, but the key to getting your data back is returning it...

//Forgot the return below...
return $http.get(urlBase + 'Project?$expand=Plant,CreatedBy,ModifiedBy,Plant/Contacts').then(function(success){
    var contents = {};
    contents = success.data.d.results;

    return contents;
    var contentPromises = [];
    angular.forEach(contents, function(content) {
            $http.get(urlBase + "ActionItems?$filter=ProjectId eq " + content.Id ).then(function(success){
                content['ActionItems'] = success.data.d.results;                         
    return $q.all(contentPromises).then(function() {
        return contents;

Thanks for all who helped.

Your issue lies within the $http.get(...).then() part.

The documentation for .then is telling us that "This method returns a new promise which is resolved or rejected via the return value of the successCallback, errorCallback". So the promise returned by .then is different than the one returned by $http.get . And you are responsible of resolving or rejecting it (by returning)! The promise returned by .then is the one pushed to contentPromises .

Thus you need something like this:

angular.forEach(contents, function(content) {
        $http.get(urlBase + "ActionItems?$filter=ProjectId eq " + content.Id ).then(function(success){
            content['ActionItems'] = success.data.d.results;
            return success;                         

You'd do well to implement the errorCallback too.

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