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How to manually include PSpell into php project

The documentation on PSpell mentions command line: http://php.net/manual/en/pspell.installation.php

Other questions/answers mention command line as well.

Is there a way to simply enable it in php 5.4 maybe in the php.ini file, or a way to download files and manually include them in the project?

PSSpell is PHP binary extension. You cannot include it into your project - you need to tell PHP about it and the proper way is to use php.ini . If you got no access (ie shared hosting etc) then you are out of luck - contact server admin in such case.

Some time ago PHP offered ability to include binary modules directly from PHP scripts (with help of dl() function) but for security reasons dl() is gone since PHP 5.3

PSSpell is a PHP module , so your hosting admin should configure PHP adding this module. There is no way to add it modifying the php.ini.

You can see the active modules with the php_info() function or (if you have shell access) with php -m .

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