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Insert sql query result inside stored procedure in temp table

I have stored procedure in which i store whole query inside string and then execute that. Now i want to store that execute result into temporary table for further processing. Something like below :

Exec @Mainsql -- this returns me query result and i need to insert its result to temp table

I tried something like this:

Select * Into #TempTable
      Exec @MainSQL 

But It is lacking in syntax i guess.

So, i need result of mainsql into temptable

Try this:

Exec @MainSQL 

You must create Temp Table first, You have to define all columns which will be returned from procedure, if you need to insert data using Stored Procedure:

CREATE TABLE #TempTable (Col1 INT, Col2 VARCHAR(10))
EXEC [ProcedureName]

Another option is to use OPENROWSET , if you do not know returned columns :

SELECT * INTO #TempTable
FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=.;Trusted_Connection=yes;', 'EXEC DBName.Schema.ProcedureName')

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