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Including parameter value with ampersand in Telerik href URL

I have a issue with symbols in account code which I am trying to create the URL using a href as below. In my view I am trying to pass an id to my controller using Telerik grid.

.Template(x => Html.ActionLink("Month Ends", "MonthEndDates", new { id = x.Account, group = x.Group }))
       .ClientTemplate("<a href=\"MonthEndDates?id=<#= Account #>&group=<#= Group #>\">" + "Month Ends" + "</a>")    

The problem arises when I have a account code like APPLA&D : the id is passed as APPLA (missing the &D ).

How would one go about solving this issue? I assume you cannot do this in a href as & cannot be a value in a URL?

Encode the URL parameters. Untested (since I don't have Telerik available these days):

.Template(x => Html.ActionLink("Month Ends", "MonthEndDates", new {
            id = Net.WebUtility.UrlEncode(x.Account),
            group = x.Group
    .ClientTemplate("<a href=\"MonthEndDates?id=<#= id #>&group=<#= group #>\">" + "Month Ends" + "</a>")

This assumes ClientTemplate is substituting in the id and group properties from the anonymous object.

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