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Table doesn't exist error when execuitng dynamic sql with sp_executesql

If I open a connection to a database, for example, with SSMS, and I run a query like this:

SELECT * FROM MySchema.MyTable

the query is executed without error.

If I run it as dynamic sql like this

declare var @qry nvarchar(200);
set @qry = N'SELECT * FROM MySchema.MyTable'
exec master.sys.sp_executesql @qry

I get an error stating that the table doesn't exist.

If I put the database name prefix before MySchema.MyTable name, ie MyDb.MySchema.MyTable the query runs correctly.

How can I avoid the error without specifying the database name in the dyanmic SQL?

try this!

change this

exec master.sys.sp_executesql @qry


exec sp_executesql @qry


exec @qry

Both answers by Recursive and koushik veldanda work fine, but this gives a deeper insight to the problem:

The problem is that executing a query with

exec master.sys.sp_execute_sql @qry

changes the context to the master database, so MySchema.MyTable is not accesible, because it doesn't belong to master , but to MyDb .

If the query is executed with

exec sys.sp_execute_sql @qry

the context is maintained in the current database, so the table is accesible, and the query runs without problem.


 exec @sql 

is enough if there are any output parameters then go with

 exec sp_executesql 

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