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Waiting while KeyPressed in XNA

I'm trying to learn XNA game programming, now i would like to wait while a Key is Pressed I have Test it with:

while (IsKeyPressed = Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(key));

But IsKeyPressed is also true when the key was released

That code is effectively a spin lock. Don't use spin-locks .

The bug you are seeing is likely because you are using a spin-lock, its not getting a chance to update properly.

Instead, you should read the key being pressed, and set state in whatever class is relevant to stop processing (likely a simple if check in the Update function). Then, when you detect the release, you change the state so the if check will pass.

Something like:

 //Main Update
 if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(key))

 //Other object
 public void Wait()
    waiting = true;

 public void Continue()
     waiting = false;

 public void Update()
      if (!waiting)
         //Update state

You could always check previous state to avoid calling Wait and Continue repeatedly, but thats going to be something of a micro-optimization with the code provided.

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