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How to handle unmanaged Win32 exception from C#

Hi guys I'm trying to figure out whether it is possible to catch(or at least suppress) all kinds of unmanaged exceptions in managed code? I've seen a lot of questions here already but it is still unclear for me, what types of exceptions are catchable and what are not?

Just as an example i've made a C++ programm that performs division by zero:

printf("Hello from unmanaged code\n");
int a = 0;
printf("%d\n", 10 / a);
return 0;

And a C# application

            Process p = new Process();
            p.StartInfo.FileName = "test.exe";
        catch (Win32Exception)

None of the catchs here does not trigger, program termintaion window appeares and after closing it, C# programm continues normal execution.

无论使用何种语言或使用catch块, 您都无法处理来自不同进程的异常

As mentioned by nvoigt you can not handle exception in this case. a more suitable solution for this case is reading the returned value from C++ code. for example : if (a != 0) return 1; then handling it in your C# code like: if (p.ExitCode == 1) Console.WriteLine("division by zero");

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