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My JavaScript split function not working

I have the following code which through Google Maps API gets the latitude and longitude of the position clicked on the map

var latitude_longitude = evt.latLng;

When I alert the variable using the code below the following is displayed: (53.4128,-1.51165)

   alert(latitude_longitude);////Gets latitude and Longitude - Latitude first - Longitude second

However I now need to split (53.4128,-1.51165) into 2 variables Latitude and Longitude and have tried using the code below:

var myarr = latitude_longitude.split(",");
var latitude = myarr[0];

However the alert doesn't show and I am unsure why?


var latitude = evt.latLng.lat();

Given this:

var latlng = '53.4128,-1.51165';
var lat = latlng.split(",")[0];

I get the output:


So splitting on the comma is perfectly valid for a string variable with a comma in it. However, I suspect that your latitude_longitude is not a string. Open Developer Tools (or its equivalent for the browser you are using), set a breakpoint and examine the variable. I suspect you will see that it is an object with properties and that you can just access those properties instead of trying to parse its string representation.

first check if your variable is an object or string:

 alert(typeof latitude_longitude);

if your alert output is "object" so you need to convert it to string

var strLatLong=String(latitude_longitude);
var LangLat = strLatLong.split(",");
alert(typeof strLatLong);

....it worked for me

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