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Can boost::asio::yield_context set a std::error_code instead of boost::system::error_code?

I'm writing a C++11 networking library that uses Boost.Asio under the hood. I want to expose an API that allows users to use stackful coroutines.

boost::asio::yield_context overloads the [] operator so that an asynchronous operation may set an error code instead of throwing an exception. For example:

std::size_t n = my_socket.async_read_some(buffer, yield[ec]);
if (ec)
    // An error occurred.

My library uses std::error_code and std::system_error to report errors. My question is how can I make boost::asio::yield_context set a std::error_code instead of boost::system::error_code ? I'd like users of my library to be able to do this:

std::error_code ec;
auto result = remoteProdedureCall(args, yield[ec]);
if (ec)

where remoteProcedureCall would look something like:

Result remoteProcedureCall(Args args, boost::asio::yield_context yield)
    boost::asio::async_write(socket_, argsBuffer, yield);
    boost::asio::async_read(socket_, resultBuffer, yield);
    if (invalidResult())
        // Return a std::error_code via the yield object somehow???
        // (My error codes belong to a custom error_category)
    // ...
    return result;

PS I should indicate that my library uses error codes that belong to a custom error_category .

I ended-up doing something much simpler than trying to coerce yield_context into setting an std::error_code :

// This overload sets a std::error_code if there's an error.
Result remoteProcedureCall(Args args, boost::asio::yield_context yield,
                           std::error_code& userErrorCode)
    boost::system::error_code ec;
    boost::async_write(socket_, buffer, yield[ec];
    if (ec)
        userErrorCode = toStdErrorCode(ec);
        return Result();
    // ...
    if (someNonBoostError)
        userErrorCode = make_error_code(myCustomErrorCode);
        return Result();
    // ...
    return result;

// This overload throws an exception if there's an error
Result remoteProcedureCall(Args args, boost::asio::yield_context yield)
    std::error_code ec;
    auto result = remoteProcedureCall(args, yield, ec);
    if (ec)
        throw std::system_error(ec);
    return result;

where toStdErrorCode converts from a boost::system::error_code to a std::error_code , as per Sam's answer (also see this related question ).

Even simpler would be to make remoteProcedureCall take an optional pointer to an error_code . This avoids having duplicate functions: one that sets the error code, and another that throws an exception.

This should work, assuming ec is a boost::system_error::error_code

std::make_error_code( static_cast<std::errc::errc>(ec.value()) );

I believe the boost::system::errc::errc_t enums are mapped to the same value in std::errc .

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