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How can I rotate a pie chart in charts.js?

It looks like a pie in charts.js is drawn by taking a vertical radius on the top half of the circle, and then moving clockwise from there. This works great most of the time, but for a pie with only 2 categories, it would be nice if it could be rotated so that the slice is centered, like this:


The rotation is calculated by taking the percentage of 360 and dividing by 2. (.14*360)/2 = 25.2 degrees left, so if I could just apply

transform: rotate(-25.2deg);

to the circle I would be good.

Since charts.js puts this on a canvas (as opposed to <svg> ) I don't know how to apply any transformations to this. Not sure if relevant, but here is my code for the chart:


<canvas id=canvas style='width:300px;height:300px;'></canvas>


openRate = [
                value: 488,
                color: "#FF9030",
                highlight: "rgba(255, 144, 48, 0.44)",
                value: 3475,
                color: "#008DB7",
                highlight: "rgba(0, 141, 183, 0.82)"

var ctx=document.getElementById('canvas').getContext("2d");
var chart=new Chart(ctx).Pie(openRate);

And a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/msy6kf3a/

You Can use the

Rotation Options in chartjs

I'm using "Version: 2.1.6"

var options = {
   rotation: (-0.5 * Math.PI) - (25/180 * Math.PI)

var Chart = new Chart(ctx,{
  type: 'pie',
  data: data,
  options: options

Updated fiddle

You can rotate using CSS3: JSFIDDLE DEMO

   -ms-transform: rotate(-25.2deg); /* IE 9 */
   -webkit-transform: rotate(-25.2deg); /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
   transform: rotate(-25.2deg);

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