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Iterating over an array to create variables in ruby

Is it possible to create multiple variables by iterating over an array?

For example, say I had an array called numbers = [1,2,3,4,5] and I wanted to create a series of variables called number_1 , number_2 ,..., number_5 each equal to their respective index in the numbers array (eg number_1 = 1 , number_2 = 2 , etc.).

I tried something along the lines of the following:

numbers.each_with_index do |num, index|
  number_"#{index+1}" = num

But that failed.

Essentially, I would like for the iterating process to automate creating and assigning values to variables.

Thank you.

One way is:

instance_variable_set("@number_#{index+1}", num)

Another way is using the eval method to create an instance variable:

eval "@number_#{index+1} = #{num}"

Heads up that eval is considered a bit hacky, and doesn't work on JRuby.

(Caveat: the code above creates instance variables, not scope-level variables (aka local variables). Example: the code creates @number_1 not number_1 . As far as I'm aware Ruby does not offer a straightforward way to dynamically create a scope-level variable that persists; you can create one within an eval but it goes out of scope beyond the eval .)

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