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Getting data from url using PHP

I am trying to search wikipedia and get the results in php. It works when I enter the url as a hard coded string in the php file but if I try to get the url as an argument it returns this:


Here is the code with the hard coded string:

$opts = array('http' =>
    'user_agent' => 'User1 (http://www.exampe.com/)'
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
$url = 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=opensearch&search=yolo';
echo file_get_contents($url, FALSE, $context);

Here is the version that takes an argument from its url:

$opts = array('http' =>
    'user_agent' => 'User1 (http://www.exampe.com/)'
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
$url = $_GET['url'];
echo file_get_contents($url, FALSE, $context);

This is how I input arguments:


Your problem occurs because your get-parameter contains characters with a special meaning, such as %, ?, /, : and =.

The solution to this:

  • replace & by %26
  • replace / by %2F
  • replace : by %3A
  • replace ? by %3F
  • replace = by %3D

There are more characters that require replacement, but that do not occur in your URL.

your URL then becomes


You can easily do this with the php function urlencode

You have to encode your query string before submit it




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