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PHP sum of all variable in while loop while echoing the individual result

Hi i want to display all overall total of $sum2 while displaying the $sum2 this is the example:

<?php $sum2+=$row_acc_rec_pay['counter'] * $row_acc_rec_pay['amount'];
  } while ($row_acc_rec_pay = mysql_fetch_assoc($acc_rec_pay)); ?>

<td>Total:<?php echo $sum2; echo $sum2=0;?></td>

<td> Overall Total=<td>

So the output will be:

test    amount  Sec Course
1   100 3A  BSCS     
3   300 4A  BSCS     
1   100 4B  BSCS     
1   100 3A  BSIS     
3   300 4A  BSIS     
1   100 2A  BSIT     

T-Shirt Fee amount  Sec Course
1   250 3A  BSCS     
3   750 4A  BSCS     
1   250 4B  BSCS     
1   250 3A  BSIS     
3   750 4A  BSIS     
1   250 2A  BSIT     
10  2500    4A  BSIT     

Membership Fee  amount  Sec Course
1   25  3A  BSCS     
3   75  4A  BSCS     
1   25  4B  BSCS     
1   25  3A  BSIS     
10  250 4A  BSIS     
1   25  2A  BSIT     
10  250 4A  BSIT     

Overall Total:

i want to add all $sum2 and display it as $overall its really irritating thanks!

You should consider doing some of the math in sql beforehand. I suppose you want something like that:

<?php $sum2=0; $overall=0;?>

   <?php while($row_acc_rec_pay = mysql_fetch_assoc($acc_rec_pay)): ?>
      <?php $sum2 += $row_acc_rec_pay['counter'] * $row_acc_rec_pay['amount']; ?>
   <?php endwhile; ?>
Total: <?= $sum2 ?>;
<?php $overall += $sum2; $sum2 = 0; ?>


Overall Total: <?= $overall; ?>

Just change this line:

<td>Total:<?php echo $sum2; echo $sum2=0;?></td>
<td> Overall Total=<td>


<td>Total:<?php echo $sum2; $totalSum += $sum2; $sum2 = 0;?>
</td> <td> Overall Total=<?= $totalSum ?><td>

And declare $totalSum = 0; before you start your while loop

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