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Meteor template iterate through array


if (Meteor.isClient) {

    fixtures: function () {
      Meteor.call("checkTwitter", function(error, results) {
        return results.data.fixtures;

if (Meteor.isServer) {
  Meteor.startup(function () {
    // code to run on server at startup
        checkTwitter: function () {
            var url = "http://api.football-data.org/alpha/teams/73/fixtures";
            return Meteor.http.call("GET", url);


  <h1>Tottenham Hotspur</h1>
  <button>Click Me</button>
  <table class="table">
        {{#each fixtures}}
        {{> fixture}}

<template name="fixture">

I am getting a list of fixtures of a football team and returning it as an array 'fixtures'. I could not get my template to list the fixtures. In the console 'resuls.data.fixtures' returns [obj,obj,obj, obj etc...].

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

Here is a working version:


if (Meteor.isClient) {
  Template.matches.created = function() {
    this.matches = new ReactiveVar([]);

    var self = this;
    Meteor.call('getMatches', function(error, result) {
      if (result)

    matches: function() {
      return Template.instance().matches.get();

if (Meteor.isServer) {
    getMatches: function() {
      var url = "http://api.football-data.org/alpha/teams/73/fixtures";
      try {
        var fixtures = HTTP.get(url).data.fixtures;
        return fixtures;
      } catch (e) {
        return [];


  {{> matches}}

<template name="matches">
  <h1>Tottenham Hotspur</h1>
  <table class="table">
    {{#each matches}}
        {{> match}}

<template name="match">


  • The fixtures array was not being parsed out of the original HTTP result, so you were passing extra data (like the headers) back to the client.

  • Helpers should be synchronous. Here we use a ReactiveVar which is asynchronously set when the template is created, but synchronously read in the helper. See my article on scoped reactivity if these techniques are unfamiliar to you.

  • The each needs to be outside of the <tr> .

  • Make sure to run: $ meteor add reactive-var http for the above example to work.

Try passing the object returned from your each loop, which should be this , to your fixture template:

{{#each fixtures}}
  {{> fixture this}}

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