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How can I make my dynamic drop-down list be dependent dependent also to parent drop down?

I have a dependent drop-down list. The sub_cat is dependent on parent_cat

at the same time it is dynamic also, where user can add additional if needed.

And my problem starts here, Drop down dependent is already working, where the second drop-down sub_cat is dependent to what is selected in the first drop-down parent_cat . but, when I click Add Process (add additional) sub_cat . sub_cat is now empty.

How can I make it work that if I click add process, the sub_cat will be populated also depends on what is selected in parent_cat.

here's my code: index.php

  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/loadScript.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/dynamic.js"></script>
  <form method="GET" action="input.php">
        <label for="category">Parent Category</label>
          echo'<select name="parent_cat" id="parent_cat">';
          while($row = $query_parent->fetch()) {
          echo '<option value="'.$row['w_id'].'">' . $row['wafer_type'] . '</option>'; 
          echo '</select>';
          require 'second_dd.php';
     <input type="button" name="add_item" value="Add Process  " onClick="addMore()" />
     <input type="submit">      


<div id="product">
    <select name="sub_cat[]" id="sub_cat"></select>


include 'db/pdo-connect.php';

$parent_cat = $_GET['parent_cat'];

    $query = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM process WHERE wafer_id = {$parent_cat}");

while($row = $query->fetch()) {
    echo '<option value="'.$row['p_id'].'">' . $row['process_name'] . '</option>'; 


$(document).ready(function() {

    $("#parent_cat").change(function() {
        $(this).after('<div id="loader"><img src="img/loading.gif" alt="loading subcategory" /></div>');
        $.get('loadsubcat.php?parent_cat=' + $(this).val(), function(data) {
            $('#loader').slideUp(200, function() {


dynamic.js - this is for adding second dropdown list.

function addMore() {
    $("<div>").load("second_dd.php", function() {

my DB goes like this:


id, category


id, category_id, sub_category

What does file dynamic.php do ?

The selector $("<div>") is not right which cannot find any element, and .load function wont execute the script. just load the file content.

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