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How do I add comparisons and switches to quicksort and merge sort?

I created code for quicksort and mergesort and now I'm trying to add a comparison count and switch count to the code but I can't figure out where to add "comparisons++" and "switches++".

My code for quick sort

public void quickSort( int start, int finish )
    comparisons = 0;
    switches = 0;
    int[] temp = new int[numbers.length];
    int lowSpot = start;
    int hiSpot = finish;
    int pivot = (int)(Math.random()*(finish+1-start)) + start;
    for( int i = start; i <= finish; i++ )
        if( i != pivot )
            if( numbers[i] <= numbers[pivot] )
                temp[lowSpot] = numbers[i];
                temp[hiSpot] = numbers[i];
    temp[lowSpot] = numbers[pivot];
    for( int j = start; j <= finish; j++ )
        numbers[j] = temp[j];

    if( start < lowSpot - 1 )
        quickSort( start, lowSpot - 1 );
    if( hiSpot + 1 < finish )
        quickSort( hiSpot+1, finish );

My code for merge and mergesort

public int[] merge( int[] one, int[] two )
    comparisons = 0;
    switches = 0;
    one = mergeSort( one );
    two = mergeSort( two );
    int[] merged = new int[one.length+two.length];
    int oneLoc = 0;
    int twoLoc = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < merged.length; i++ )
        if( oneLoc < one.length && twoLoc < two.length )
            if( one[oneLoc] <= two[twoLoc] )
                merged[i] = one[oneLoc];
                merged[i] = two[twoLoc];
        else if( oneLoc < one.length )
            merged[i] = one[oneLoc];
            merged[i] = two[twoLoc];
    return merged;

public int[] mergeSort( int[] temp )
    if( temp.length == 1 )
        return temp;
    else if( temp.length == 2 )
        if( temp[0] > temp[1] )
            int holder = temp[0];
            temp[0] = temp[1];
            temp[1] = holder;
        return temp;
        int mid = temp.length / 2;
        int[] first = new int[mid];
        int[] second = new int[temp.length-mid];
        for( int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++ )
            if( i < mid )
                first[i] = temp[i];
                second[i-mid] = temp[i];
        return merge( first, second );

A comparison is when you are....comparing variables (ie start < lowSpot - 1). Switch would be in the else blocks.

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