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Compare element of string array in php

I have two arrays both having elements in string type. Example :

First Array

$default_complaint = array("Login", "Printer", "Monitor", "Computer", 
                           "Network", "Other");                      

Second Array

$selected_complaint = explode(" ", $s['kindof_request']);
// Ex : it return like this => array ("Login", "Printer", "Monitor");

Now, how can I create the checkboxes that ticked in html by comparing that two arrays given above. So, I create like this:

$default_complaint = array("Login", "Printer", "Monitor", "Computer", "Network", "Lain-lain");                      
$selected_complaint = explode(" ", $s['kindof_request']);

foreach ($default_complaint as $dc) {
    foreach ($selected_complaint as $sc) {

    $check = strcmp($dc, $sc) ;
    if ($check == 0) { //True
          echo '<input type="checkbox" checked="checked">'. "$sc" ."<br />";
        } else{ //false
          echo '<input type="checkbox">'. "$dc"."<br />";


My code still give me weird result. So, How to create like this, => (0) meaning checked.

(0)Login   (0)Printer   (0)Monitor   ()Computer   ()Network   ()Others   

This should work for you:

(You don't have to do a nested foreach loop)


    $default_complaint = array("Login", "Printer", "Monitor", "Computer", "Network", "Lain-lain");                      
    $selected_complaint = explode(" ", $s['kindof_request']);

    foreach($default_complaint as $k => $v) {

        if(isset($selected_complaint[$k]) && in_array($selected_complaint[$k], $default_complaint))
            echo '<input type="checkbox" checked>' .  $v . "<br />";
            echo '<input type="checkbox">' . $v . "<br />";


You have two loops, but you only want to loop over the first array. The second one is only used for checking.

One possibility for the loop is:

foreach ($default_complaint as $dc) {

    if (array_search($dc, $selected_complaint) !== FALSE) {
        echo '<input type="checkbox" checked="checked">'. "$dc" ."<br />\n";
    } else{
        echo '<input type="checkbox">'. "$dc"."<br />\n";

You don't need two foreach loops. Only one will do it. Loop through $default_complaint array and check whether that element is present in $selected_complaint array using in_array() . Try using:

    $default_complaint = array("Login", "Printer", "Monitor", "Computer", "Network", "Other");
    $selected_complaint = explode(" ", $s['kindof_request']);

    foreach ($default_complaint as $dc)
        if (in_array($dc, $selected_complaint))
            echo '<input type="checkbox" checked>' . $dc . '<br>';
            echo '<input type="checkbox">' . $dc . '<br>';

You can also try array_search() instead of in_array() .

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