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Calling a class function in forEach: how Javascript handles “this” keyword

I'm new to Javascript and just want to make sure I'm understanding how it handles the this keyword, since... well, it seems like it's pretty messy. I've checked out similar questions on StackOverflow and want to make sure I'm not moving forward with the wrong idea.

So I'm defining a class like so, and want to process every point received in the constructor.

function Curve(ptList) {
  this.pts = [];

  if(ptList.length > 2) {
    // I want to call "addPoint" for every item in ptList right here

Curve.prototype.addPoint = function(p) { 
  /* some more processing here */ 

So, initially I thought I could just do:


but I can't, because that is simply passing a pointer to the prototype function, which means this in addPoint refers to the global object.

Then I tried:

ptList.forEach(function(p) { this.addPoint(p); });

but I can't, because this refers to the global scope as soon as I enter that internal function (it no longer refers to the Curve object being constructed), so addPoint is undefined.

The way to get around that is to make a variable that refers to this in a scope I can still talk to in the subfunction:

var _this = this;
ptList.forEach(function(p) { _this.addPoint(p); });

And this finally works (but looks really weird to someone without JS experience). But then I found out about the bind function, which lets me not define a trivial function wrapper:


and it seems like, finally, this is the best and most concise way to do it, even thought it looks silly. Without the bind function, addPoint has no understanding of which object it was called on, and without the first this , I can't even find my addPoint function.

Is there a better way to do this seemingly simple thing, or is that last line of code the recommended way?

The forEach() method and other similar array methods like map() and filter() provide an optional parameter called thisArg specifically for this purpose.

This serves as the this "argument" that is provided to the function when it is called:

ptList.forEach(this.addPoint, this);

When such a parameter isn't available, then choosing between using a closure variable (the variable name self is often used for this) or .bind() is mostly a matter of preference. Note that another option is to define functions inside your constructor and capture everything in a closure:

function Curve(ptList) {
  var pts = [];
  function addPoint(p) {

  if(ptList.length > 2) {

  this.addPoint = addPoint;

This requires a bit more memory than putting the functions on a prototype since every instance gets its own copy (and also rules out some of the things a prototype allows you to do), but Douglas Crockford (the inventor of JSON and JSLint) recently said that he doesn't even use this anymore, with the rationale that memory is cheap, but CPU cycles are not (traversing the prototype chain requires a fair amount of processing).

The way it's normally done is var that = this . Inheritance in JavaScript seems weird at first, but you should stick with what's commonly used. Doing something like ptList.forEach(this.addPoint.bind(this)) is going to confuse the next person to use your code.

What does 'var that = this;' mean in JavaScript?

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