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Evaluate() Function Returning Error 2023, however there is no error

I am using the Evaluate() function to test a value for errors prior to placing into a cell. In my example below, this is returning Error 2023 , However when I paste the string into a cell, it reads correctly with no error (will return exactly the value referenced in the external spreadsheet). The example is as follows:

Evaluate("='H:\@Projects\@Dev[BudgetTracking_ProjectName_MSTR_FK_2.xlsm]Budget Estimate (2)'!F44")

The Error 2023 is the xlErrRef #REF! . The Evaluate function can't directly evaluate from closed workbooks. Open the H:\\@Projects\\@Dev\\BudgetTracking_ProjectName_MSTR_FK_2.xlsm and

Evaluate("='H:\@Projects\@Dev\[BudgetTracking_ProjectName_MSTR_FK_2.xlsm]Budget Estimate (2)'!F44")

will work. Note the "\\" behind the directory name "@Dev".

But then of course

Evaluate("='[BudgetTracking_ProjectName_MSTR_FK_2.xlsm]Budget Estimate (2)'!F44")

will suffice.

To get values from closed workbooks you have to use an Excel4Macro functionality. See: http://spreadsheetpage.com/index.php/tip/a_vba_function_to_get_a_value_from_a_closed_file/

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