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Dealing with pagination in web pages while using jsoup

I have been using jsoup to crawl through webpages of a particular website. Basically i am trying to extract all the href's that have a link of a pdf. I have been successful in getting all the link of a particular page . But there are 10 such pages. The web pages uses a logic of javascript _doPostBack() function to navigate to other pages. How do i get this done by jsoup.

This is how i am trying it right now

Document document = Jsoup.connect(" some website name")
                        .data("__EVENTARGUMENT", __EVENTARGUMENT)
                        .data("__EVENTTARGET", __EVENTTARGET)
                        .data("__EVENTVALIDATION", __EVENTVALIDATION)
                        .data("__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR ", __VIEWSTATEGENERATOR)
                        .cookie("ASP.NET_SessionId", sessionId)
                            "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WindowsNT 5.1; en-US; rv1.8.1.6) Gecko/20070725 Firefox/")

But i am getting a false url output. I have defined all the variables before sending.

When I hit this kind of problem, here how I solve them:

  • Load the page in a browser
  • Spy the http messages exchanged between the browser and the server while going through the pages (Fiddler, Firebug, Dev Console/Toolbar ...)
  • Identify every single bytes browser and server exchange (headers, cookies etc)
  • Once ALL single bytes identified try to go through the pages with hurl.it (enter headers, cookies, user-agent etc)
  • Once you succeed going through pages with hurl.it, instruct Jsoup to do the same

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