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SQLite returning groups with same number of rows in Android

I have below SQLite query:

                datetime(price.timestamp,'localtime') as LOCAL_TIMESTAMP,
        from price inner join product on price.productid = product._id
                   inner join supermarket on price.supermarketid = supermarket._id

        order by price.productid, price.supermarketid, price.timestamp

Rows are ordered by productid, supermarketid and timestamp. Doing so they are grouped but not all pairs products-supermarket have the same timestamps so is it possible to obtain all pairs products-supermarket with the same number of timestamps? If a pair product-supermarket has not a timestamp, then set its price to 0 in the returned result.

For example, above query may return:

Product_A Supermarket_A "2014-03-10 00:00:00"   2.3
Product_A SUpermarket_A "2014-04-10 00:00:00"  15.0
Product_A SUpermarket_A "2014-04-20 00:00:00"  10.5

Product_B Supermarket_A "2014-01-01 00:00:00"  23.3
Product_B SUpermarket_A "2014-05-21 00:00:00"   1.0

and I would like to obtain:

Product_A Supermarket_A "2014-01-01 00:00:00"   0.0
Product_A Supermarket_A "2014-03-10 00:00:00"   2.3
Product_A SUpermarket_A "2014-04-10 00:00:00"  15.0
Product_A SUpermarket_A "2014-04-20 00:00:00"  10.5
Product_A SUpermarket_A "2014-05-21 00:00:00"   0.0

Product_B Supermarket_A "2014-01-01 00:00:00"  23.3
Product_B Supermarket_A "2014-03-10 00:00:00"   0.0
Product_B Supermarket_A "2014-04-10 00:00:00"   0.0
Product_B Supermarket_A "2014-04-20 00:00:00"   0.0
Product_B SUpermarket_A "2014-05-21 00:00:00"   1.0

In each product-supermarket pair appears all the timestamps (like an union). If a product-supermarket pair has not the timestamp, it is created and its price set to 0.0.

Is it possible to do in SQL?

To get all possible combinations of timestamps, join with the timestamps, but without a join condition. (The DISTINCTs are needed to avoid duplicates here.)

Then do an outer join with the prices:

SELECT productid,
       datetime(timestamp, 'localtime') AS local_timestamp,
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT product._id     AS productid,
                      supermarket._id AS supermarketid
      FROM       product 
      INNER JOIN price       ON product._id         = price.productid
      INNER JOIN supermarket ON price.supermarketid = supermarket._id)
            FROM price)
LEFT JOIN price USING (productid, supermarketid, timestamp)

This returns NULL for missing prices. If you really want a zero, use IFNULL(price.price, 0.0) instead.

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