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How to get the IP address of RDS instance in AWS

I got the same answer everywhere on the internet regarding my question of how to get the IP address of an RDS instance in AWS, but I don't know what dig is, and how to use it.

How to allocate IP address in VPC to RDS instance?

Please help me find the IP address of my RDS instance in AWS?

It won't display the ip address on the configuration page for the RDS instance because RDS IP's are dynamic in nature. You can dig for them if you need them but you would be better server using the DNS endpoint for the instance. This remains static and can be found on the details tab of the RDS instance within AWS.

The IP address of your AWS instance will be the IP address of the RDS instance.

If your hostname of your AWS instance is blah.blah.amazonaws.com then you can use the dig command (on Linux machines) or ping command on both Windows and Linux to find out the IP address of the host:

ping blah.blah.amazonaws.com

This will give you back the IP address of the host (something like this):

c:\ping www.google.com

Pinging www.google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=58
Reply from bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=58
Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=58

So the IP address of www.google.com is dig will give you more output but the IP address is also in there. But sometimes the actual IP address of your AWS instance is actually in the hostname itself. For example:


The IP address is already in the name (depending on your instance). You can find the hostname in the AWS Console/Dashboard.


SELECT inet_server_addr();

The answer given by Paolo Bolla is good, but only works for Postgresql .

For Microsoft SQL Server , please use:

  local_net_address = ConnectionProperty('local_net_address')
, local_tcp_port = ConnectionProperty('local_tcp_port') 

您还可以使用Nslookup <<RDS SQL Server>>命令来找出此AWS 博客文章中建议的 IP 地址。

Simple method to find RDS ip address: Open command prompt from local machine and ping your RDS Endpoint. You will see the reply from destination host ip address. That is your RDS ip address! Regardless if it is public accessible or not.

dig is command-line utility that finds an IP address a domain name leads to.

You can simply install it using :

apt-get update && apt-get install dnsutils -y

Then to find an IP of RDS instance (with endpoint xxx.yyy.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com ), run the following command :

dig xxx.yyy.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com

In the output of dig , you will be able to find IP address in ANSWER SECTION :

xxx.yyy.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com. 5 IN A

As you can see RDS instance endpoint, resolved to A type of DNS record with Private IP address

I got the same answer everywhere on the internet regarding my question of how to get the IP address of an RDS instance in AWS, but I don't know what dig is, and how to use it.

How to allocate IP address in VPC to RDS instance?

Please help me find the IP address of my RDS instance in AWS?

On AWS Management Console - Location : AWS Management Console -> EC2 -> Network & Security, Network interfaces

  • You can see all of IP addresses and its resource's details on description tab together.

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