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Create a new table from sql output in postgres

I have an sql query which makes a new table with WITH .

How can I store that temporary table in my database?
Here is the code:

WITH gme AS(
        SELECT distinct seller, buyer, currency, value, cost_type
        FROM iotable

SELECT seller, array_agg(buyer), array_agg(cost_type), 
       array_agg(value), array_agg(currency) 
FROM gme 
GROUP by seller

Here is the table output:


I copied the output from pgadmin3

you can use an INTO statement in your select, which essentially takes your query and makes a new table in your database.

so like this should work

 SELECT distinct seller, buyer, currency, value, cost_type
     into gme   FROM iotable;

or you could do this, depending on what you want in the table

WITH gme AS(
        SELECT distinct seller, buyer, currency, value, cost_type
        FROM iotable
gme1 AS (
     Select seller, buyer, cost_type, value, currency
 FROM gme

UPDATE: The solution (using this method anyway) is as follows

      WITH gme AS(
                SELECT distinct seller, buyer, currency, value, cost_type
                FROM iotable
        gme1 AS (
             Select seller, buyer, cost_type, value, currency FROM gme

    SELECT seller, 
    array_agg(buyer) as AGG_BUYER, 
    array_agg(cost_type) as AGG_CT, 
    array_agg(value) as AGG_VAL, 
    array_agg(currency) as AGG_CUR
/*this is where the new table is generated*/
        FROM gme1 
        GROUP by seller

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