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compare set time with current time python

I have a @interval check that can run def timecheck(): every 10 second and I need to compare current time/weekday with a set time/weekday.

 def timecheck():
 <<< compare current time and weekday with time day ie 09:45  Mon,Tues,Wed,Thur,Fri>>>
 <<<if true then run premkt>>

  def premkt(bot):
  bot.msg('#optiontrader',"((( US MARKET OPEN IN 15 Minutes )))")

You could use the builtin datetime module to do this.

Note that datetime.weekday returns an integer, where Monday is 0 and Sunday is 6.

You might want to add a check somewhere that premkt isn't called multiple times in the same minute.

import datetime
now = datetime.datetime.now()

if now.weekday() < 5 and now.hour == 9 and now.minute == 45:
    # it's 9:45 on a weekday, do stuff

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