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command works in terminal and not in script

The bellow commands works in terminal and prints value 1

count_XXX=`ll -d /usr/Systems/XXX* 2> /dev/null | grep ^d | wc -l`
echo "$count_XXX"

There is one directory and two softlinks in the directory /usr/Systems with the same name XXX*.

when i keep the same two lines in shell script. It prints value 0

This works fine in unix(both terminal and script) but when i try to run in linux server the issue happens(in script).

do i need to change something for Linux.

Thanks in advance.

Using ll then grep and then wc is bit too much for counting directories and this is also error prone due to possibility of whitespace/newline in directory names.

In BASH use this simple snippet:

shopt -s nullglob
arr=( /usr/Systems/XXX*/ )
echo ${#arr[@]}
  • / at the end of your glob pattern makes sure it matches only directories.
  • shopt -s nullglob to make sure to not to print pattern when glob pattern doesn't match anything

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